Conjunction Fallacy


The tendency to assume that specific conditions are more probable than a more general version of those same conditions.


(Datasets labeled with this bias will go here.)

Structural Analysis:

(Results of dataset analysis for patterns in structure, placement, tone, context, coreference, correlatives, and so on will go here.)

Proposed Algorithms:

(Proposed combinations of factors from the above analyses in algorithmic form for automated detection will go here.)

Positive Detection:

(Algorithms for bias-positive detection will go here.)

False-positive Detection:

(Algorithms for false-positive detection/filtering of the above bias-positive algorithms will go here.)

Certainty Mapping:

(Algorithms for the probability mapping between N mathematical dimensions for positive and false-positive algorithms will go here.)

Successful Algorithms:

(Tested successful algorithms will go here, along with their respective accuracy metrics and error data for further refinement.)


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